
Equal housing opportunity in georgia
Equal housing opportunity in georgia

SUPPORT policies that encourage growth and modernization of telecommunications and energy infrastructure. OPPOSE policies that put Georgia businesses at a competitive disadvantage by placing restrictions on employer-employee relationships and contracts.

equal housing opportunity in georgia

Promote the diversification of the supply chain through repatriating jobs to the U.S. Oppose policies that negatively impact businesses and consumers. SUPPORT policies that provide opportunities for Georgia businesses to expand their market footprint through international trade. SUPPORT efforts to sustain and enhance investments in transportation that move goods and people efficiently and effectively. SUPPORT policies and legislation that provide equal tax treatment of both brick and mortar and online retailers. This includes supporting efforts that prepare individuals for re- entry into the workforce including skills development and access to higher education. PROMOTE policies that expand and grow opportunity for individuals to become re-integrated into society. SUPPORT the appropriation of federal funds needed to complete the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project.

equal housing opportunity in georgia

SUPPORT policies and legislation that provide fair and adequate Medicare wage index reimbursement to Georgia’s rural hospitals in a budget-neutral manner. Support the extension of the delay to any reduction in the Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) payments, which are crucial to the financial viability of our safety-net hospitals. SUPPORT policies and legislation that provide increased flexibility for federal agencies to improve healthcare access through innovative state specific plans. SUPPORT reforms that ensure a talented and qualified workforce to maintain and grow our economy and global competitiveness.

Equal housing opportunity in georgia